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2018 is now upon us and we see early exploitation of virtualized NonStop a distinct possibility!

Insider Technologies


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With 2017 in the bag, it’s now all eyes forward for an even busier 2018. With so many new developments formally arriving in the HPE NonStop world, we are excited to be assisting our clients to scope the move of their trusted Insider Technologies services to the new breed of NonStop – the virtualised solution.

Often a relatively quiet month, December was an extremely busy one for our Operations teams as we completed rigorous testing of the latest MultiBatch version (9.5), formally completing an installation on to NonStop X. Thanks to our colleagues at ETI-NET, the process was almost seamless, and gives the Insider Technologies team great confidence that we’re ready to assist our clients in their ambitions to upgrade in this new year. First up will be one of the world’s largest providers of post-trade processing for bond, equity, ETF and mutual fund transactions as they move their entire NonStop estate to a virtualized environment. In addition, Reflex will be applied to the new NonStop servers, enabling the same tried and trusted monitoring that so many financial services organisations have come to depend on.

We expect to see more NonStop customer’s exploring the virtualised option in earnest this year, especially with the advent of the converged NonStop that so many people showed an interest in at TBC2017. The newer NonStop X nodes are offering higher performance so we hope to see interest from companies who are traditionally in the Linux / Unix world to move applications to OSS running on NonStop.

The emergence of blockchain and HPE’s endorsement of the technology will no doubt keep developers interests peaked. Cloud technology is clearly of interest to many verticals, but remains a concern in the financial services sector due to the increased threat of hacking.

On the back of some significant enhancements to MultiBatch, our attention this year is very much focused on Reflex development. The January calendar is stacked with scoping exercises and we look forward to announcing new functionality and improvements in the first half of the year. As always, the customer is at the heart of everything we do: if you have specific requirements or thoughts on how Reflex can be improved to meet your growing demands, please do get in touch.

Thinking back to TBC2017, we’ve already planned in the coming years’ events, with the European NonStop Symposium being our first community event of the year in Leipzig, Germany. This will be a first for Insider Technologies and we’re very much looking forward to participating once again alongside ETI-NET. Whilst it’s still a few months off, the timing will be excellent as we’ll get a real change to connect with NonStop users and get a true reflection of the prospects and challenges that come with a step change to NonStop X. Of course, we’ll play a role at the year’s BITUG events and at TBC2018.

For an internal change of pace, we’re introducing Tech Tuesday – a monthly session where guest speakers will be invited in to Insider Tech Towers to share their thoughts and ideas around NonStop technologies: where the industry is going and the innovations that are leading it. If you’d like to be a part of Tech Tuesday in 2018, please get in touch.

May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous 2018!

Karl Gilbank | Sales & Marketing Director
+44 161 868 6658