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NTI – Delivering on the promise of JSON support, NTI can now deliver a major upgrade to its DRNet® data integration product offering!



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In the July 2019 issue of NonStop Insider we introduced the NonStop community to a major update to NTI’s messaging. This update reflected the growing need among the members of the NonStop user community to do more with data replication products like DRNet® than just replication. In fact, it has been the observation by NTI management that accessing files, logs and trails is just the beginning – NonStop users want to distribute, integrate and indeed transform data as it heads away from mission critical applications running on NonStop. In support of these NonStop users, NTI introduced PROVisioning: Excellence in Data last month and the July 2019 issue of NonStop Insider was the primary vehicle whereby we launched the new messaging.

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If you missed reading this issue, you would have missed how PROVisioning: Excellence in Data was a reference to an expansion of DRNet® capabilities that would take DRNet® as it is today supporting data replication to where it supports data integration, data distribution and data transformation. You would have also missed reading about work in progress for DRNet® to better support integration with multiple third party data lakes and data warehouses – to better support the many data analytics product offerings proving popular at enterprises where NonStop has a presence.

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Previously, when it came to integration, “there were commitments given to complement current approaches, reliant upon JDBC interfaces, with support of JSON.” In the July 17, 2019 post NTI performs well at N2TUG – support of JSON in DRNet® now a reality! that was published in the NTI blog immediately following the recent N2TUG RUG event in Grapevine, Texas, further updates were provided on this support of JSON. “Proof of Concept (PoC) work has wrapped up successfully and JSON support is now an available option that will prove invaluable for many NonStop customers. While there is always a strong case to be made about the added value of staging on an intermediate server, going direct to any server with ports available to receive JSON messages not only improves performance but also accelerates greater usage of data created on NonStop.”

There isn’t a day that passes in the industry where there isn’t a reference to clouds – whether public or private, managed or otherwise, it’s driving the conversation within the IT industry to the point where almost any other model for data processing, as we have known IT for a number of decades, is considered legacy. Cloud and the Edge – a core and a perimeter – all very simple to comprehend and an easy model to transcribe onto PowerPoint slides! And yet, for the NonStop community, with its affinity for fault tolerant platforms in support of their mission critical applications, the move to support clouds will be at best gradual if not indeed with a degree of caution following many baby steps as they come to terms with applications and data moving to a platform that in and of itself is fragile in comparison to NonStop.

However, NTI has been a participant in numerous exchanges with the NonStop community about how best to leverage some of the emerging tools, none better than products like Splunk, Elasticsearch, etc. – products that already have cataloged almost every known record formats and can quickly turn masses of data into actionable information via a wide-range of ready-to-go dashboard. NTI has already introduced DRNet® / Vision for Splunk, but there is even more products available that NonStop customers are considering that data from NonStop needs to be a part of. Fortunately, when it comes to sources of data on NonStop, NTI from the very beginning has subscribed to the Change Data Capture (CDC) model and this has proved flexible in ways that now position the NTI product suite – what the company’s messaging has branded, PROVisioning: Excellence in Data – ready to deliver data on NonStop to almost any imaginable target.
“Simply stated, with support for JSON messages,” said Tim Dunne, NTI Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales, “we open the doors for the NonStop community to better integrate NonStop data with any data lake, warehouse or analytic process required of them by their organization. It takes so little work for the data to begin flowing from NonStop to any of these platforms and in using CDC methods, it also means that we can coexist with any of the traditional data replication products including GoldenGate.” If you missed the opportunity to hear the NTI presentation at the N2TUG event then look for an updated presentation to be given to those attending OZTUG events in Sydney and Melbourne September 3rd and 5th, ATUG in Atlanta, September 18th, CTUG outside Toronto, September 25th and MexTUG, October 3rd.

However, should you want more information about our support for JSON or any other capability of DRNet® as is now included in PROVisioning: Excellence in Data don’t hesitate to contact the NTI team as we look forward to discussing all of this with you and to assure you NTI is building the DRNet® platform that is beneficial to all members of the NonStop community.

Network Technologies International, Inc.
635 Park Meadow Road, Suite 209
Westerville, Ohio 43081-2877
Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000

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