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Au Revoir, Burlingame

By Bill Honaker, Technical Consultant

XID Software, Inc.


XID OCT 2020

Starting last Spring, as one Connect Local Chapter after the other started postponing their annual events, I knew it was going to be a bit different this year.  Sometimes, I hate being right.

Those changes led us to the Virtu-NUG event, held on 3 different Wednesdays during June and July.  To be sure, creating an event like this in a very short period of time could have been disastrous, but then again, we never thought that we could recreate the in-person events.  I thought, as did a lot of people I’ve talked to, that they came off pretty well!

At the time, we still thought that this pandemic thing would have passed in time for November, so we still thought we’d all be flying into SFO and converging on the Hyatt.  Turns out, of course, that wasn’t to be.  In addition to the challenges that social distancing would have placed on the event, just getting there and having to quarantine would put the final stop to an in-person event.  And it seems, we may not have been able to breathe very well given the smoky state of Bay-area air!

So now, we can look forward to three days in November, starting on the 16th.   (It’s only about 6 weeks from the scheduled publication of this NS Insider!).  I hope you’ve got your registrations done.

Some pluses:

Some downsides:

I know that once it’s over, we’ll all be able to add things to both lists.  And, you probably noticed that a few of the items are on both lists, too.  In those cases, at least, there are potential good and bad sides to the attributes of going Virtual.

I haven’t heard anyone say this yet, but I would strongly encourage you to approach the meeting itself with as few expectations as possible.  By that, I mean don’t set too high, or too low, an expectation.  Do your best to immerse yourself in the event and see what works and what doesn’t.  And please fill out the surveys, which is even more important this year. Even when the world returns to ‘normal’, and we are able to hold future events in person, there could be a great use to this type of technological wizardry; we could get together more than once a year!

I’m looking forward to touching base with a bunch of you during the TBC.  Just not quite in the same way as in the past.  Please take some notes about what worked and what didn’t, what you liked and what you did not. As a group, we’re pretty good at coming together to improve things, and I know we can do the same for this new type of ‘conference’.

Now, where did I leave that VR Headset!?