2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
comForte supports the NonStop Technical Boot Camp as a Diamond Sponsor for 2016
comForte welcomes every opportunity to participate in gatherings of the NonStop community no matter where they may be held around the world, especially TBC
adminThe emergence of the NonStop Technical Boot Camp just a few short years ago has seen it grow to become the biggest event in the NonStop calendar and it’s an one that comForte wholeheartedly supports!
Coming off a period of numerous RUG and Chapter events worldwide it’s now time to recharge as we head to San Jose for the NonStop Technical Boot Camp. Throughout its history, comForte has been a strong advocate for all user-oriented events and has supported these events financially as we have been an exhibitor in most of them. From a pure marketing standpoint no other vehicle lets us communicate our message one-on-one with the NonStop user community as effectively as does a roundtable session alongside our stand where our own experts have the opportunity to discuss current business issues with our customers and partners and provide solutions.
For attendees at last year’s Boot Camp you will know just how strong our commitment to Boot Camp really is – the comForte team turned out in strength and it will again have a major presence. We are excited to be a Diamond Sponsor of the Technical Boot Camp and are looking forward to seeing everyone in one of our pre-conference seminars and presentations. We will be taking advantage of this event for a new security product launch – enterprise data protection, powered by comForte.
comForte continues to considerably invest in NonStop and our extensive roadmap featuring security is something everyone in the NonStop community should familiarize themselves with and that too may be another reason to stop by our booth. We will be giving two pre-conference workshops one of which will feature our new security product while the second workshop will focus on our activities as well as those of other partners, in support of NSADI. There will be two other vendor presentations by comForte but for all the information, check out the page on the comForte web site: Https://comforte.com/resources/events/technical-bootcamp-2016/ We will also be sharing the stage with Wendy Bartlett in two of her talks on Security and tokenization.
comForte is committed to RUG and Chapter events worldwide and considers Boot Camp as the NonStop community’s premier event for product updates, shared user experiences as well as community networking. As a company comForte continues to invest and advocate for any gathering of likeminded community members so join us at Boot Camp and share with us the total experience only Boot Camp provides.
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