2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
CSP: For the Nonstop community, scanning for vulnerabilities never ends
AdrianFrom the Antipodes and the bucolic landscapes where oceans meet to the windswept Scottish countryside and now, continuing into major regions of the Americas, the NonStop community is once again enjoying the opportunities that these in-person events provide. Whether your participation is at the local level of you have travelled much further afield, it is encouraging for all members of the NonStop community to see the return to a level of normalcy that is being welcomed everywhere.
With CTUG just wrapping up its annual major event, it represents the second year in a row where an in-person event was held, but for many members of the NonStop community participation is a welcome reminder that NonStop continues to thrive in every corner of the globe. “As the incoming CTUG President, what impressed me the most this year was the level of attendance at the event. With 80 registered participants, there were only four who missed the event even as we accommodated three walk-ins,” said CSP General Manager, Henry Fonseca. “It’s always encouraging to see such a turn out and it shows that a return to in-person events is proving attractive to the broader NonStop community.”
For CSP, the conferences that happen across the summer months are a peak period for the HPE NonStop team together with vendors and customers catering to all constituents as they provide an opportunity to present product and services updates. With the pan-European E-BITUG conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, kicking off this year’s event season, CSP took full advantage of the occasion. CSP supported E-BITUG as a Gold sponsor that gave CSP General Manager, Henry Fonseca, an opportunity to give a vendor presentation and that also doubled as a platform to launch the Global NS Partner Alliance portal.
“We see our presence at NonStop focused events as our primary marketing outlet,” said Henry. “It’s where we interact with customers and prospects alike and where we have the opportunity to provide further insights into our initiatives and product deliverables.” And in Edinburgh, it was a very busy time for the CSP team with barely a moment of respite to catch up on lunch between conference sessions. “There is always a sense of accomplishment as you look back at events like E-BITUG and CTUG in knowing that the chance to present your story, unfiltered, and in a way that can be tailored to individual NonStop customer requirements can be achieved.” It’s sometimes a daunting prospect getting onto a customer’s calendar when they are back in the office but when it is a major conference, the barriers come down and deeper conversations begin.
The theme of our recent conference presentations has centered on Vulnerability Management & Compliance for NonStop Systems. This was the title of our presentation at E-BITUG as it was also the theme of our recent cover article for the March – April issue of the Connection. When it comes to identifying possible vulnerabilities, CSP is committed to the promotion of its product designed to assist with this identification process, CSP Vulnerability Scanner™. It is a tool we developed with input from our base of NonStop customers and it scans and checks NonStop system configurations, access permissions and security settings, analysis, identifies and then reports back to NonStop managers.
“What we heard from our NonStop customers is that there was a need for something simple and nondisruptive that could be run at any time and that would alert them to any abnormalities that might be present on their NonStop systems,” said Henry. The key here for CSP was both its simplicity and its ability to readily get the job done in a timely manner. It is something you can routinely run as there continues to always be new ways to make your NonStop system vulnerable. “You may have already read about our product from prior promotions, but its significance cannot be understated. What is contributing to the successful introduction to the NonStop community of CSP Vulnerability Scanner™ is that it works and delivers on the promise of identifying all potential vulnerabilities.”
These recent NonStop conferences allowed us to double up on the opportunity such presentation platforms provide. And for CSP, this meant covering the launch of our latest contribution in support of partner product and services dissemination, the Global NS Partner Alliance. Implemented to become the go-to portal for all information about any of the NonStop partners you may happen to express an interest in but maybe don’t know exactly what a product is called, who provides it and where to find a web site. This portal is an extension to the initiatives that first began circulating at the NonStop TBC 2022 in Burlingame, California, where partner ecosystems made their first appearance.
“We have invested in the partner portal in order to promote a broader cross-section of the vendor community that in turn will contribute to a levelling of the product playing field,” said Henry. In bringing together many NonStop partners we will be showcasing the entire solutions ecosystems “and presenting a complete landscape of application availability for NonStop systems that may not otherwise be common knowledge for all NonStop customers.”
How would you know about any partner ecosystem if there wasn’t just a single location that you cold visit to find out more about the participants, products and services contributing to the ecosystem. “During the recent MexTUG event we were approached by individuals from the GreenLake team wanting to know more about the Partner Portal as it hadn’t escaped their attention that there were far more products on offer from the NonStop vendor community that what was being promoted by the NonStop sales team,” said Henry. Fortunately, the NonStop community has grown to where it can now happily accommodate multiple ecosystems and with the Global NS Partner Alliance you will know exactly where to turn to find the information you need.
These are exciting times even as they aren’t without their challenges. The world is hybrid transitioning from previously siloed systems to where every application and every system has a contribution to make. And it is with these almost infinite possibilities for business that these connections can make any business vulnerable. Knowing where to turn for information about what is available for the NonStop community is an important step forward in terms of knowledge to be gained. And with CSP Vulnerability Scanner™ having become available, those vulnerabilities that may exist can be readily identified, rectified and the applications can be protected.
For more information on CSP Vulnerability Scanner™ turn to our solutions page on the CSP web site and take a look at the full extent of security products available today from CSP –
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