2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
DataExpress – from the data center and into the network
Maybe the party needing your file is right alongside you!
The relationship that now exists between DataExpress and the comforte sales team in the U.S. is working to better educate the NonStop community about the merits of deploying a managed file transfer product like DataExpress. While it may escape many members of the NonStop community that they even need a solution – surely, FTP / SFTP is all we need, right? – with the changes coming from the HPE NonStop team thick and fast of late, now is a good time to give moving to a managed file transfer product the attention it deserves.
Here at DataExpress we were reminded of some of the territory we have covered with customers and prospects through the years when the HPE NonStop team began explaining the perils from pursuing a do-it-yourself approach to deploying the new virtualized NonStop. Ignoring for the moment the arguments being raised over the merits of even considering virtualized NonStop and ignoring too the depth of knowledge in virtual machines and hypervisors the NonStop team expects you to have, it’s no longer a case of simply downloading a lot of open source routines, complementing then with a couple of home-grown utilities and that’s it! – you now have virtual NonStop ready to run!
If it were that simple to run virtual NonStop there wouldn’t be as many discussions happening within the NonStop community across as many social media channels as is now the case. And when it comes to managed file transfer, much the same is taking place – you can download open source routines and you can develop home-grown solutions but once deployed, they are still no match for modern managed secure file transfer solutions. “The whole point of turning to a secure, managed file transfer product,” said DataExpress President, Michelle Marost, “is to be able to turn it on, integrate with your applications and then walk away! All of our NonStop users remind us that it’s the only way that they can sleep at night especially when you have tens if not hundreds of files to move during overnight processing!”
Reference to virtual NonStop isn’t the only situation that highlights the benefits of turning to a product rather than trying to assemble something yourself – NonStop systems are increasingly becoming an important element of the hybrid IT. Running mission critical applications on NonStop results in a lot of important data being created and it is the type of data that the rest of an enterprise would dearly love to have participate in data lakes and the like supporting the analytics processing now being deployed that better detects behavioral changes in both customer experiences and business partner practices. It matters little if you like shipping green widgets if your suppliers have switched to building blue widgets while you customers want combinations of blue and yellow! The biggest challenge facing IT today as hybrid IT builds a head of steam is integration – making sure all the data is in the right place at the right time!
CIOs are preparing themselves for further changes ahead – talk of IoT and the Edge as well as data streaming platforms and new monitoring tools and dashboards are all contributing to increased focus on what is happening far from the data center. It’s almost as if the pendulum has taken a definite swing, once again, away from the data center to the initial point of contact people and machines have with the enterprise. “Firms in the vanguard of this trend will use edge computing to build distributed applications that close the gap between data, insight, and action, and will engage customers more quickly and squeeze new efficiencies out of their processes. Exploiting computing power on the edge will give them an actual edge,” said Forbes magazine in an October, 2017, report leveraging surveys by Forrester Research, Top 10 Technology Trends To Watch: Forrester Research. “It is another phase in the continuous pendulum swing between centralized computing and distributed computing.”
The above reference to Forbes was included in a just-published post to the DataExpress blog, DATAEXPRESS – RIDING THE WRECKING BALL TO EMBRACE THE AGE OF AWARENESS!In that post, it was DataExpress CEO, Billy Whittington who observed how, “This isn’t coming as a shock to us here at DataExpress or to those in the NonStop community already deploying DataExpress NonStop (DXNS). And it isn’t just hybrid IT or accommodating Edge processing as increasingly, it is about the cloud and virtualization as we are seeing today with virtualized NonStop. “We too are watching the evolution of file transfer across all of IT and when it comes to NonStop users, there isn’t really anything discouraging us from looking at doing a lot more with DXNS to better support the changes under way, particularly when it comes to embracing cloud computing,” said Whittington. “Cloud computing really isn’t anything new nor is the idea that hybrid IT is a combination of traditional computing and something more elastic as is the case with clouds.”
The relationship DataExpress is enjoying with comforte is now such that we are putting the finishing touches to a webinar that will be given late May and following the upcoming major RUG events in London (BITUG) and Leipzig (GTUG). Look for further announcements shortly as there really isn’t any future in continuing to invest in building your own secure and managed file transfer solution – there are now way too many variables to take into consideration and it’s no longer simply about moving a file from one site to another far removed from the data center. It’s increasingly becoming a requirement to integrate a file with files on adjacent systems inside the data center or in a cloud supporting the data center.
Should you have immediate need to talk to DataExpress about possible opportunities within your own data center then don’t hesitate in calling us or the sales team at comforte. And watch for more news from both of us very soon!