2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
DataExpress – when it comes to data, it just has to be there when it’s needed!
DanHPE Discover 2018, Madrid, has now wrapped up. In this year’s keynote presentation HPE CEO, Antonio Neri, talked about the three cornerstone components of HPE’s strategy for the enterprise – it’s all about the Edge, the Cloud and Data. “It is a digital world where data is your intellectual property, or as I often say, the new currency,” Neri told all those assembled for the session. “There are two areas of innovation,” that Neri said HPE was addressing, as HPE “must re-think the way we manage data (due to just how much data there will be) even as we must unlock the value of data through deep learning (that will) demand new ways to manage it and to access it easily no matter where it resides.” And yes, naturally, when it comes to the Edge, Cloud and Data, “all of this is to help you create and deliver everything as a service, everywhere.”
It has always been about the data, even as today HPE talks about data driven and data centric computing. The epicenter of our computing powers has always been called the data center and while in today’s hybrid world it may be scattered to the four winds, there are still control-points from which it all can be managed, so it remains the data center. Within IT we write about architecture, technology and product lifecycles and the data center is no exception – it too follows the all too familiar bell curve that we attribute to practically everything we deal with as part of IT. Clearly, the data center may be facing challenging times in terms of where it lies along that bell curve, but the more interesting aspect of the data center is the data element (even if center loses its meaning), and all data is subject to its own lifecycle. It’s created, processed, ingested, analyzed and archived (with some steps potentially missing) but at DataExpress, we see the importance of making sure data gets to the right place. If it is to be ingested and analyzed, it had better be available.
While the keynote sessions at HPE Discover 2018 in Madrid may not be as well followed by the NonStop community, the most recent NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) in Burlingame, California, gained a lot more attention from NonStop users and vendors alike, possibly due to the revelation about management changes at HPE or the updates being made to the NonStop product roadmaps where you can see how the NonStop development is prioritizing its work – what comes first on the PowerPoint slides is always an indication of what the NonStop development team values most highly. This year, it was about HPE’s internal usage of NonStop, more work being done to SQL, along with emphasis everywhere you turned on the L-Series NonStop OS. NonStop X and virtualized NonStop (vNS) were given equal billing at most presentations.
This was covered in detail in the latest post to the DataExpress blog under the heading NonStop Technical Boot Camp delivers; more good news for DataExpress and NonStop. It should prove a good read for all those NonStop community members interested in data, but it is the observations by Neri that HPE believes we “must re-think the way we manage data (due to just how much data there will be) even as we must unlock the value of data.” And this has been the value proposition with DataExpress for many decades – we move the data, as files, to where it just has to go. DataExpress now has all the bases covered with DataExpress NonStop (DXNS) and DataExpress Open Platform (DXOP) – how many DXNS users are talking to their data center colleagues about DXOP and in so doing, data once the preserve of NonStop can be securely moved and accessed everywhere, “no matter where it resides.”
HPE CEO Neri is right about another aspect of data as well and it should hit close to home. The industry is headed to a world where everything is provided on the basis of a service – HPE offering to “help you create and deliver everything as a service, everywhere.” This is an area of interest to your DataExpress team having listened to how HPE’s own IT is leveraging NonStop X systems. As the NonStop community continues to talk about such items as NSaaS and DBaaS it strikes us that having the option to deliver DataExpress as a Service might appeal to even more NonStop users so we will be taking a good long hard look at the possible contribution DataExpress can make to this interesting development with NonStop. Yes, it’s all about the data and yes, data too has a lifecycle but above all else, even if it does represent your intellectual property it cannot add value if it is nowhere to be found!
From TBC, as noted in the post to the DataExpress blog, DataExpress sees HPE continuing to make investments in NonStop and we are encouraged with what we see. DataExpress believes that with choice and options now available to enterprises, the likelihood of there being even more NonStop users is highly possible and that shouldn’t come as a surprise to any member of the NonStop community. What shouldn’t come as a surprise either is just how well DataExpress is received by even the biggest NonStop users and if you are interested in finding out more about what we provide you can always email or call us; we would be only too happy to discuss the right way for you to deploy DataExpress to better manage the secure movement of your files to where the data is valued the most!