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ETI-NET and HPE participate in major events worldwide

HPE is supporting many events for partners and users and ETI-NET is travelling to the furthest corners of the earth to support many of them!




ETI-NET has always been a strong supporter of regional user group (RUG) events whenever they take place and wherever they may be held around the planet. It is only one part of our marketing outreach, but each year the list of popular events seems to get longer. Are we all seeing a resurgence of interest in NonStop? Is HPE pulling out more stops to ensure NonStop customers are getting all the information that they need about the future plans of HPE for NonStop systems? On reflection, this definitely seems to be the case of late.

Top of the list of actions for the coming month are RUG events scattered around the world. While not as well-known perhaps as other RUG events including OzTUG, MATUG and yes, even CTUG, the upcoming event in Thailand is an event we will be supporting and for a very good reason: Asia has become very active for Backbox this year. “Didn’t we hear last year that the AsiaPacific/Japan (APJ) region added more ‘new logos’ to the NonStop user base than any other region,” said ETI Chief Operating Officer, Sylvain Tétreault.

Spread across two days, the Thailand NonStop Technology Summit will be held between September 14th and 15th. The first day program is something we are working with HPE – we want to pull together a half-day Partner Summit about which we will have more to report in a later update. However, the second day will be a full program on NonStop for both users and vendors and we are anticipating a good turnout based on the information we already have received from the region. “Asia is very active for Backbox this year.  There have been several events this year and it has given us the opportunity to develop a closer relationship with HPE APJ and we continue to work many new projects together,” explained Tétreault. “We see also expansion for NonStop as customers seem ready to move to newer technology like virtual tape.”

While Thailand is across the other side of the Pacific closer to home we have CTUG about to happen and we are looking forward to participating yet again this year. Eastern Canada continues to prove to be fertile ground for HPE when it comes to major NonStop installations and we are expecting to see a good turn out by the user community. As always, with the Mississauga location we seem to attract the full suite of NonStop vendors from south of the border. Then again, we will all be headed to Silicon Valley shortly for the 2017 NonStop Technical Bootcamp (TBC).

At this year’s TBC, “We are anxious to see the future plan for vNonStop from HPE. It will be good if HPE decides to expand the support of new virtual environment for the vNonStop. For example, VMware is heavily used by banks and a vNonStop supporting that environment would represent new opportunities for our backup solution,” Tétreault also noted. “We are also interested in hearing of the success that HPE is having with vNonStop in 2017 – yes, we know it is very much in the pilot stage but all the same, I am sure there will be stories the HPE NonStop team will be willing to share. We recognize that vNonStop has an opportunity for HPE to gain new customers and expand their market share; ETI-NET is betting on that HPE NonStop expansion and is bringing the right backup solution offering that will take advantage of the newest technologies!”

If you would like to know more about where you might be able to catch up with us these and other events or you would simply like to know more about our plans for Backbox and virtual tape then by all means reach out to us via email or phone. We would be only too happy to connect and to discuss our products and roadmaps with you at any time.

Said Hini (514) 663-0501