2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Gravic Celebrates its 40th Anniversary!
In 2019, our 40th year of business, we reflect on the past and look forward to the future. Swings in the economy, the stock market, inflation, regulation changes, IT analyst fads, and even the price of oil were met as opportunities and not problems. How do we measure our success? It is in making progress toward our core purpose of Improving Society Through Innovation. Our ability to improve society is manifest in the numerous industry-leading and household-name companies that rely on HPE Shadowbase software to keep their datacenters operational in the event of disasters that routinely put unprotected businesses into bankruptcy. Our core values, including honesty, integrity, and commitment, permeate all of our actions, both internally among employees, and externally with our customers. We are a humble company and temper our successes with the belief that we can do even better.
Use Cases, a Case Study, and the Latest HPE Shadowbase News at ETBC
This month, the world’s senior architects, designers, and technology managers across NonStop will come together in Edinburgh at the European NonStop Technical Boot Camp (ETBC) event. We look forward to networking and connecting over the critical developments shaping the future of data replication and integration technology in Europe, and to grow and futureproof regional businesses. We hope that you will attend our presentation on HPE Shadowbase Update and Enterprise Use Cases, and enjoy our new case study on accessing resident data in online transaction processing systems in real-time, Using Data Replication to Offload Online Host Processing and Enable New Business Applications. If you are interested in discussing our presentations’ content or would like us to present these or other HPE Shadowbase topics to your staff, please contact us.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise directly sells and supports Shadowbase solutions under the name HPE Shadowbase. For more information, please contact your local HPE Shadowbase representative or visit our website.