2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Gravic has a full slate of presentations lined up for this year’s Boot Camp
We are looking forward to participating at the TBC and catching up with the NonStop community. Look for us on the exhibition floor and don’t forget to attend one of our sessions
DanJust returned from CTUG where the Canadian NonStop community was privileged to hear HPE NonStop Senior Director, Andy Bergholz, provide an update on NonStop – real and virtual. While much of the ground Andy covered was now familiar to those who participate in RUG events worldwide, it wasn’t until the late afternoon Q&A session that a topic dear to our heart was broached. The question from the audience was about the recognition by NonStop R&D to provide their own solution for active-active replication.
“There are already three products available today from the vendor community – Shadowbase, GoldenGate and DR Net. Why would we make an investment in an area already being well served by these vendors,” said Andy. “Furthermore, with Shadowbase available from the HPE NonStop sales team, it just doesn’t make sense to try and compete with them.” For many years there has been considerable pushback on a select number of products simply because of pricing but this is not motivation enough for HPE and as long as they see competition among a group of vendors, no matter how many competing products in the pool, then there’s little to no incentive to join them.
The Gravic team continues to extend our congratulations to the many organizations working behind the scenes to make each RUG event as successful as they have become of late – we are watching the numbers of participants at nearly all of them continue to grow. Yes, as we like to acknowledge in every forum in which we participate, it takes a special effort to do all of the planning and preparation for these meetings, and we heartily thank these organizations and the attendees that support them for creating such a valuable experience.
Having said that, what is about to happen is just as important and with the NonStop Technical Boot Camp on the horizon, we too are making the special effort to participate in numerous presentations – some focused on products and being given jointly with HPE, some focused on the user experience and yet others on simply what Shadowbase does best. For the complete list of presentations you can expect from Gravic, check out the following and we look forward to seeing you all in San Jose:
- HPE Business Continuity Product Suite Update, Mark Pollans, Paul J. Holenstein (HPE talk)
- Business Continuity for Vital Applications, Mark Pollans, Paul J. Holenstein (HPE talk)
- HPE Shadowbase Synchronous Replication Feature Rollout, Paul J. Holenstein, Keith B. Evans, John R. Hoffmann (Gravic Vendor Theater)
- Recent Developments in Improving Mission-Critical System Availability, Bill Highleyman, Bruce D. Holenstein (Business Continuity track)
- A BASE24 Classic Migration from a Legacy Data Replication Product to an Advanced HPE Shadowbase Solution Using HPE Shadowbase Zero Downtime Migration Technology, William G. Holenstein (Business Continuity track)
- HPE Shadowbase Realized Data Migration from Oracle RAC to NonStop SQL/MX with No Downtime, Takeshi Kisu (HPE talk)
Paul J. Holenstein | Executive Vice President Gravic, Inc. | Shadowbase Products Group 17 General Warren Blvd. | Malvern, PA 19355-1245 USA Shadowbase@gravic.com | tel +1.610.647.6250 www.shadowbasesoftware.com