2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Gravic Publishes New Article on Data Replication and Integration – Applications in Financial Services
DanGravic published the article, Data Replication and Integration – Applications in Financial Services in the May/June edition of The Connection. This article/case study explains how a merchant provider gradually expanded its data replication and integration software to add new capabilities and features to its financial switch. The company used HPE Shadowbase data replication to provide active/passive business continuity to its CMA system, and active/active business continuity to its multi-node switch. It also integrated the switch with a remote heterogeneous application for a fraud detection system, and added data validation and consistency checks to confirm that all data was synchronized. A second case study reviews how a financial institution used HPE Shadowbase Compare in multiple parallel comparison operations – each against a distinct subset of the database – to dramatically shorten the time required to fully validate its backup.
Gravic Announces HPE Shadowbase for Other Servers Version 6.600 Release
Features Include:
- Support for SAP Hana as a target
- Improved replication into SAP ASE and Db2® target databases (utilizing the Shadowbase software statement caching ODBC engine)
- Enhanced DB2 source replication (including z/OS environments) with new configuration options supporting MQCONNX security features
- New SBFILE command options for displaying transaction information stored in a Shadowbase database of change (DOC)
- Improved Shadowbase log source replication for Oracle (e.g., longer transactions spanning online and archived REDO logs)
- Enhanced reload command for Shadowbase source replication for SQL server to allow DLL reloads while the database remains online
- Improved Shadowbase DOC blocking algorithm and more efficient I/O processing
- Additional enhancements and bug fixes
For more detailed information on this release, please see our Shadowbase Product Releases (SPRs).
Don’t Miss the HPE Shadowbase Solution Update Presentation at VIRTU-NUG
We will present HPE Shadowbase 2020 Solution Updates on June 17. Please join us for other presentations from HPE’s NonStop Division, the global NonStop partner community, and from customers with innovative solutions to NonStop challenges. Come visit the virtual exhibit hall, experience live questions and answers, and enjoy virtual happy hours to end the day with socializing and networking.
For more information, please visit: http://www.connect-community.org/virtunug-2020. Cost is FREE for Connect members. Sign up today. If you are interested in discussing our presentation’s content or would like us to present this or other HPE Shadowbase topics to your staff, please contact us.
Gravic and Shadowbase Support is Available During the Pandemic
We are concerned for all of our friends in the HPE and Connect communities and pray that they remain safe through this unprecedented and dangerous situation! For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gravic and its Shadowbase Products Group are open and operating with remote support and access. To reach Shadowbase Support, please use your normal Support contact information or use Support. Please use Contact Us for all other inquiries.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise globally sells and supports Shadowbase solutions under the name HPE Shadowbase. For more information, please contact your local HPE Shadowbase representative or visit our website. For additional information, please view our Shadowbase solution videos: https://vimeo.com/shadowbasesoftware.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2020.