2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
NonStop users rely on Striim to pipe fresh data to where enterprises can best generate critical business insights!
DanHot on the heels of the recent HPE Discover Virtual Experience has come the renewed attention to data. “We are awash in data; we are entering the age of insight,” HPE CEO Antonio Neri told those participating in his keynote address. “Even in this time of a global pandemic, opportunities continue to grow to where we need to move from just collecting data to providing insight. (What we mean) by being awash in data is that we are lacking in connectivity and insight. We have unconnected pools of data and we cannot continue failing to bring together actionable data (contributing) to our future. More informed doesn’t mean more intelligent.”
At Striim, connectivity is at the core of our business model for today’s enterprises. Striim is about real-time integration between systems and clouds, and between clouds and systems. With the Striim cloud data integration platform, today you can deploy Striim in support of streaming data pipelines from NonStop to cloud environments such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud as well as on-premises data targets such as Kafka, NoSQL and relational databases with reliability, security, and scalability. The Striim continuous real time data integration capabilities have long been enjoyed by some of the most notable NonStop users.
For the NonStop community it has always been about processing transactions and data in real time. We have heard a lot more about data being created on NonStop even as we have become familiar with the contribution NonStop SQL has made in ensuring real time access to data on NonStop. However, whereas HPE is betting largely on the presence of clouds everywhere, it’s making the need for NonStop to be connected to clouds more pressing. NonStop is the premier solution for business critical applications but remaining disconnected from the rest of the enterprise isn’t part of HPE’s game plan for NonStop.
With as much talk as there is today among analysts and the press concerning the need to deep dive into data for the purposes of forensic analysis, looking backwards can only provide limited insights into the business. Most notably, for well-managed enterprises, any trends unearthed have more than likely been brought to the attention of the enterprises management already. What is critical for enterprises to remain in business is detecting trends as they occur in real time. At Striim we are fully aware that if you want to do something in support of the enterprise, the natural course of action is to do so in real time. Consequently, the importance of fresh data cannot be overstated. Insight is best acted upon as it happens.
HPE executives made it a point to highlight that only the easy applications have made it to the clouds. The data that they reference comes from an IDC Cloud report of June 2019 and it notes how two thirds of applications remain on premises and on traditional enterprise systems. It was IDC that, following the event, then reported how “HPE is on a journey; working with customers looking for cloud experiences within the data center and looking to move across clouds with support from out of their own physical premises; it’s a hybrid world for some time to come.” Not surprisingly, this is also a reference to HPE’s Edge-to-Cloud strategy as progress to this end can only be accomplished with greater connectivity.
What we understand here at Striim is that this journey is bringing HPE a lot closer to what major enterprises are looking for – a pipe that allows them to interconnect data, support bidirectional flow of data and to open up those unconnected pools of data that have often included NonStop. The Striim platform offers low-impact, real-time data integration with in-flight data processing to help any enterprise rapidly gain operational value from their freshly created data on HPE NonStop systems. Designed to support the most critical of business critical applications, Striim comes with built-in recoverability features and data delivery validation to avoid data loss or duplicates. Whether it is the goal of these enterprises to ingest data directly from the Striim pipe or to simply populate a data lake in real time for subsequent analysis, Striim can satisfy the most ardent requirements of today’s enterprises as they pursue greater business insight.
It takes little to remind the NonStop community of how best they can capitalize on the presence of Striim either on an adjacent on-premises server or in a cloud environment and there are already NonStop users doing this. It has always been about the data, for HPE and for Striim, and for enterprises NonStop users are looking to connect to the outside world, whether directly to cloud offerings or via continuously available messaging systems, it is Striim that has the technology, knowledge and experience to make this happen for them.
After you have checked out the posts to the Striim blog referenced above, should you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, the Striim team. We would be only too happy to hear from you.
Ferhat Hatay,
Sr Director of Partnership and Alliances, Striim, Inc.
Embracing Hybrid IT and Advanced Analytics in HPE NonStop Environments
Streaming Integration for HPE NonStop Servers