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NTI to double down on DRNet®

Unified for HPE Customers – introducing DRNet®/Business Integration





Following the announcement of a DRNet®/Unified for HPE Customers as we entered 2021, the response from the NonStop community has been encouraging. As a message, it projected the image of NTI as a NonStop vendor dedicated to the data needs of the NonStop community at large. With so much press coverage of hybrid IT and the evolution of heterogeneous on-prem and cloud infrastructure, it became very apparent to NTI that more needed to be done than to simply replicate for business continuity. Protecting enterprise data in this manner has been at the core of all NTI has pursued over the course of several decades.

“We knew it was time to take all that we have learnt in meeting NonStop users’ needs to protect data,” said Tim Dunne, NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales. “It became an understandable goal for all of us here at NTI to look at providing a comprehensive solution that would allow data created on NonStop to be integrated with other data and processing products.” Change Data Capture (CDC) is recognized industry-wide as the premier methodology in ensuring real time replication of data, with multiple products on NonStop having elected to go down this route as CDC became the gold standard for Business Continuity.

With DRNet®/Unified for HPE Customers, NTI is providing not just a message but a deliverable product such that all NonStop users of DRNet® can benefit from moving data everywhere with just a single product. Data created on NonStop may be a cool thing to say, but leaving data on NonStop only further confirms a silo-ing of data and data that is siloed cannot influence future insights into the business or participate in the generation of better business outcomes.

When it comes to NonStop users of alternate products, there is now a new way to capitalize on the benefits NTI brings with our support of CDC methodology. Welcome to DRNet®/Business Integration that will allow such NonStop users to complement existing business continuity product deployments with a single NTI solution that sits right alongside such solutions, but this time delivers integration, distribution and transformation capabilities. As a complementary offering DRNet®/Business Integration will include DRNet®/Open and / or DRNet®/Vision ensuring data created on NonStop no longer will be silo-ed as NonStop enters the modern era of hybrid IT!

“One way to view how we are leveraging the internals of DRNet®,” said Dunne is to view the solution as having “a backend focused on CDC pulling data out of NonStop with a choice of multiple frontends that can deliver to another instance of DRNet® or to pretty much anything else that the NonStop user needs their data to be delivered to be that a data warehouse or a solution such as Kafka, Splunk, ELK and more.” The message should be very clear; we are modernizing NonStop in that we are helping strip away any possible association with silos of the past.

Effectively doubling down on the capabilities of CDC together with a solution that does it all, now the NonStop community has options. To further evangelize the benefits so afforded with either DRNet®/Business Integration or DRNet®/Unified for HPE Customers, NTI welcomes the decision by Connect to create a new Tech Forum supporting Business Integration and Analysis. As an extension of hybrid IT this Tech Forum recognizes that not everything needs to run on NonStop and when it comes to running analytics across data sourced from every corner of the enterprise by necessity such solutions will more often than not be found on Linux with on-prem or as a service supported by a cloud provider.

“In supporting Connect and the Tech Forum Business Integration and Analysis (BI&A), we are moving quickly to ensure NonStop steps away from any perception of simply being a transaction processor that is relegated to a corner of the data center,” said Dunne. “The very nature of running mission critical applications means the data created in the process is very much business critical and needs to be distributed, perhaps even transformed before being presented for integration within analytics processes.” DRNet®/Business Integration simply brings the benefits of DRNet®/Unified for HPE Customers to a much wider NonStop community.

For 2022 you will be seeing a lot more of the NTI team at regional chapter and user group events. SunTUG is behind us, but then so will be GTUG by the time this article is published. Initial coverage of how NTI is doubling down on its product lines will have been provided to those in Europe attending GTUG but also, look for NTI at MATUG, BITUG and of course at HPE Discover 2022 and the NonStop Technical Boot Camp 2022. Other events will likely be planned shortly and as and when news breaks about them, expect to us present, supporting and participating.  

To ensure you don’t miss an event near to you, please visit our NTI web site and check the Resource page for further information on all the planned Events announced to date. You can do that by simply following this link –

Should our efforts to better integrate the data created on NonStop be of interest to you, particularly where you have invested in alternate business continuity product offerings, then simply reach out to us either by email or phone. Just call the number below or email us at any time at

Network Technologies International, Inc.
635 Park Meadow Road, Suite 209
Westerville, Ohio 43081-2877
Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000

N.T.I. Limited
Ard Mhuire
Camp Street
Co. Galway
H91 K5PE