2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
OmniPayments and NonStop users – no matter where your transformation journey takes you…
Together we can find the right road!
DanThe intrusions one industry is making on the other are gaining more and more attention. Is Uber a ride share vendor or a technology vendor – even with the EU court’s ruling against Uber just recently, reminding the European community that Uber should be regulated like a taxi company, there is no denying that once well-understood industries like transportation and warehousing or even bricks and mortar retailers are working overtime to move into adjacent industries where they see greater business value on offer. No more is this evident than when we see retailers becoming technology companies even as technology companies become banks. The rise of fintechs is just one example of how far technology companies are pushing the boundaries. It is as if the boxes we draw into which we place companies no longer have any meaning – companies have long since broken free from categorization and are relishing the opportunity to try new things!
No one really saw companies like Amazon develop technology as fast as they did and to where today, even the largest of technology vendors are under threat. With Amazon Web Services (AWS) even the mighty IBM sees its future very much under a cloud! When you take a look at technology however, even the lines within technology are becoming very blurred – what is a hardware vendor these days and what differentiates a software vendor from a vendor offering services? This was the topic of an upcoming feature article for the magazine, Banking Tech, Industry alignment or industry confusion – what is a financial institution? where OmniPayments, Inc. CEO Yash Kapadia was asked to share his opinions on this very topic.
In that feature article and following its most recent success in meeting the needs of one of North America’s biggest retailers, Yash recalled that even among tech companies, boxes have always existed. “You had very different business models for those selling products versus those selling service,” said Yash. “You also had big differences between those vendors who were selling software versus those selling hardware. But today, those traditional lines are blurring as well. IBM still sells some hardware but not as much as it once did and now, it is more commonly associated with software – Watson is, of course, AI and is mostly software. And yes, to be more specific, Amazon isn’t just software but really a services company and its cloud services operation is more akin to selling time on a service bureau than anything else.”
Look for this feature article to appear the week of February 5th in Banking Tech at http://www.bankingtech.com/. The impact from the demise of more formal boundaries isolating companies one from the other while grouping those competing in similar markets – making predictions by industry analysts even more difficult to forecast – is that users’ expectations likewise will evolve. It will be their expectation that successful solutions vendors will be able to easily shift from providing solutions deployed on-premise, deployed within a cloud, or even as a managed service from the vendors own facilities. Choice and options are important deciding factors when it comes to solutions and those solutions vendors that are proving to be successful are stepping up to address all of these users’ expectations.
And this is a message that Yash reinforced when he said, after the feature article had been written, that, “As for OmniPayments, we started out providing services, then moved to building and selling software solutions before assembling our own hardware for select markets. Today, we are the only HPE NonStop VAR for South America. Has this influenced our business model? While describing what we do can sometimes lead to confusion among some clients and prospects and involves OmniPayments providing further clarification, in reality our core business hasn’t changed. We are still very much focused on providing payments solutions for banks and fintechs.” Yes, software remains core to OmniPayments even as the rest is simply enabling components. As for the big win with the retailer already referenced, this win was among the first where the client elected to deploy their new payments solution in support of POS networks on OmniCloudX, and represents OmniPayments first entry into managed cloud services offerings for a client of this magnitude.”
As for the NonStop community these developments, or intrusions if you like, isn’t all that surprising to see take place. With the launch of NonStop on physical machines as well as virtual machines, there are now many options open to users when it comes to running their NonStop applications. Costs will become a deciding factor for many of them and there certainly is now an array of financial options available to them. As for OmniPayments, it is perhaps the best positioned today to run anywhere a user would like to see payments system run and given that, there are considerable savings NonStop users can help themselves to – even if that means stepping out of a box as well. After all, what was once a capital expenditure is increasingly becoming more acceptable as an operational expenditure and OmniPayments is only too happy to work with NonStop users whichever road they choose to go down.
Any financial institution that is a NonStop user and thinks of taking the transformation journey looking to see how the demise of traditional categorization of technology vendors be beneficial to them, should, by all means, reach out to OmniPayments. We are only too happy to work with you no matter which road your journey takes you – email us or give us a call! And again, don’t forget that should you want to know more about the people and the products that make up OmniPayments, feel free to reach out to us and contact any one of us here at OmniPayments.