2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
OmniPayments: By-the-Sea
By Craig Lawrance
AdrianWith much anticipation, NonStop TBC 2024 was held in Monterey California and was well attended, being much appreciated and enjoyed by those present. The major event was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of NonStop. Many of us were very much alive at that time, while many more were yet to be introduced to the technology that Dave Mackie and Jimmy Treybig were busy developing a few miles away in Santa Clara, CA.
Moving forward from 1974 to 2024, the Head of NonStop at HPE, Casey Taylor opened the event, discussing the global presence of NonStop, and the strategy for attracting new, young and able-bodied talent. It was noteworthy that HPE has embarked on investing in early-career talent, although they currently have only about 16 people dedicated to NonStop out of a total of some 6,000 employees at HPE.
Casey also emphasized the evolution of this technology, from monolithic, converged systems to cloud-based software providing the NonStop community with an unprecedented number of system options. In subsequent product portfolio roadmaps, the NonStop development team highlighted the flexibility that hybrid models offer in today’s challenging markets. From what we saw and heard, there could be no argument supporting lack of options as NonStop was no longer being sold on the basis of one size fits all.
Turning to OmniPayments, Yash gave a warm welcome speech, sharing his experience in growing the business and incorporating young talent across his enterprise. He was joined also by Sergio Chavez of retailer Casa Ley, who delivered a fantastic presentation showcasing the joint achievements accomplished over the last 13 years dating back to early 2011. It’s been an enduring relationship with various additional scopes evolving to support the needs of a dynamic retail business. Secondly, the IT Development Manager from Banco Agrario also attended as a guest and was extremely impressed by the NonStop culture.
Nothing bodes so well for any vendor as having real NonStop customers talking about real products meeting the requirements of real NonStop users and on this score, OmniPayments succeeded in throwing a spotlight on the accomplishments that they have made over the past number of years. The OmniPayments development team continues to demonstrate on the global stage their willingness to take on new product requirements and to deliver solutions in a timely manner.
“It’s always encouraging to see the positive response from the NonStop community each time we introduce new capabilities and for 2024, there was much to cover. Providing demos of our leading-edge payment technology, embracing all the modern requirement of an Agile rollout, tokenization for mobile phone support, PCI DSS 4, Cloud-based payment services, rapid deployment, Virtual Cards, Contactless technology, QR-code support, interfacing with over 50 payment networks, can only be described as confirmation of the dedication together with the inherent skillset of a team committed to supporting the NonStop platform,” said Yash.
Finally, it’s worth pointing out that Yash also participated in a joint presentation with HPE, discussing KLT Beta Testing using Kafka. We wrapped up the event with a beautiful banquet dinner (did they find nemo?) at the Monterey Aquarium. And as we look forward to further regional events as we come to the end of 2024 and begin the process of further aligning our messaging with that of NonStop, we can only add that, like everyone who attended NonStop TBC 2024 this year in Monterey, California, we will be making plans to be a presence at the planned NonStop TBC 2025 in HPE’s backyard, Houston Texas.
See you there or perhaps sooner at one of the regional events but like you, the resurgence of the NonStop culture, the pursuit of youthful adherents to the NonStop architecture and the success HPE is enjoying in the marketplace are certainly as welcome to OmniPayments as we are sure that they are welcomed by the NonStop community at large!