2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
OmniPayments – Tracking alongside NonStop development team
As they launch virtualization, database updates and blockchain!
DanEvery vendor likes to talk about their brand and the work they are putting into promoting their brand so that everyone coming into contact with that vendor knows who they are. This year, OmniPayments has quite literally taken its branding efforts on the road – if you have been to any event held for the NonStop community you will have more than likely seen the OmniPayments billboards as well as seen OmniPayments VP, Jessica Nieves, on the stage, presenting OmniPayments.
For this year’s program, OmniPayments folks have focused on how best to build applications with 99.99999% uptime, where in the presentations they liberally illustrate what steps can be taken with examples from the work they have done with OmniPayments product. “Having worked for Tandem Computers many years ago,” said OmniPayments CEO, Yash Kapadia, “the attention to ensuring NonStop availability became ingrained so deeply that it drives everything we do. As the HPE NonStop team comes up with new features and even new products then we take a good long and hard look at these and wherever possible, we leverage them when they can improve our level of availability!”
It hasn’t just been the NonStop community events that OmniPayments has been supporting this year. It is the goal of OmniPayments to be more widely recognized across the payments industry. Financial Institutions gravitate to events where solutions addressing their needs are highlighted and so this year, OmniPayments has made sure events like the ATMIA US Conference as well as the MONEY 20/20 events receive the OmniPayments attention. Whether it’s sponsorship of a coffee break, the inclusion of handouts in show bags, or simply being a participant in the exhibition hall, as has been the case so far with RUG events, you would be hard pressed not to see some evidence of OmniPayments’ presence as you walked the event hallways.
This should be of particular importance to the broader NonStop community. It is important to see vendors developing solutions for NonStop systems taking their solutions to a much wider audience. One temptation for every member of the NonStop community is to think of themselves and their use of NonStop in isolation – as the last NonStop standing! And this is simply not the case. Listening to any keynote presentation given today by a HPE executives – particularly to a group of NonStop users – you will always hear references made to “new logos” added to the community. When HPE VP & GM, Mission Critical Systems, Randy Meyer last addressed the NonStop community at Boot Camp, he highlighted some dozen or so new logos being added to the global base of NonStop users.
If you missed hearing this from Randy it was covered in the post of February 24, 2018, to the NonStop community blog Real Time View, New leadership; more wins and yes, all’s well for NonStop!“Last year we heard that there were more than a dozen such new logos and looking ahead to what we can expect to see this year, I am hopeful that this number climbs to twenty plus new logos,” noted the blogger, Richard Buckle. However, where Yash and OmniPayments are taking their message is ensuring that there will be even more new logos in 2018 and of course, you will only hear about any of this if you attend an event or conference where payments solutions are part of the conversation.
But new logos, new products and new features are more than just soundbites uttered in moments of enthusiasm by faithful adherents of NonStop. When you take a closer look at what is being developed by the NonStop development team then you will read of the very important evolution under way that will make NonStop capable of running virtual, make NonStop SQL/MX support multitenancy and yes, make Blockchain a big contribution to the ongoing relevance of NonStop. To this end, you will be hearing a lot more from OmniPayments about OmniCloudX, the company’s first inroads into the world of SaaS and Clouds. OmniPayments runs today on NonStop X at customer sites as well as across its own multi-site data centers where it supports a number of financial services that no longer require making hardware investments and when it comes to Blockchain, suffice to say, work is under way to better exploit Distribute Ledger Technology that is now part of MCDLT from HPE – Mission Critical Distributed Ledger Technology.
Where will you hear more of this? At events and conferences of course and with BITUG and GTUG only a matter of a day or two away, look for OmniPayments and Jessica as these events are being well supported by OmniPayments. We hope to see you all there but if you are not participating this year, you can always reach us with email or simply give us a call!
Jessica Nieves | Vice President Marketing
Jessica@OmniPayments.com | tel +1 787 918 0025