2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
OzTUG event Sydney on August 24, 2017
update to agenda and list of speakers
DanNot long to go before the upcoming OzTUG event kicks off. The agenda is now available online and can be viewed at:
This year, the OzTUG/NonStop Symposium is running as a stream of the Gen10 server launch. The 1st morning session, up until the morning tea break, is a plenary session that will more than likely be of interest to even the most ardent supporter of NonStop. For those who may not be across all of the specifics of the hardware being shipped these days, NonStop servers, whether NS3X / NS7X – not to mention CLIMs and Console – are ProLiant servers and the introduction of Gen10 servers is as applicable to the NonStop community as they are to the industry as a whole.
The August timing of the Symposium has allowed us to leverage the Gen 10 launch. “Historically, part of what has kept the NonStop such a small target for Malware was the proprietary nature of the platform, TNS/Itanium,” said David Gillbanks of HPE Australia NonStop. “Now we are fully x86, and also virtualised, there is potentially greater opportunity for security to be compromised at some point – even down to the BIOS level. Gen 10 provides an added level of security – compared to deploying on older or other vendor, industry-standard, servers – as well as providing other operational and commercial benefits. So while the hardware will continue to represent a diminishing proportion of the cost we will most definitely continue to tout the benefits of the HPE ecosystem even to our good friends in the NonStop community,”
As per the agenda and in light of the focus on Gen10 ProLiant servers, the keynote presenter will be Raj Thakur who is the head of the HPE hardware business for Australia – servers / storage / networks. Closer to home, when it comes to NonStop specific content there will be a number of HPE folks featured, many of which are well-known to the community including Jeff Kyle, Vice President Mission Critical Systems, and David Gillbanks with both Lars Plum and Mike Rice delivering remote presentations.
Should you need any further information or simply have questions then please feel free to contact any one of us directly.