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Payments Monitoring – A Use Case Story with a Difference

Insider Technologies


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When the world’s largest Islamic bank needed to meet new regulatory conditions, they took the opportunity to look at the wider picture – enhancing the customer experience.

The bank was intent on providing the speediest turnaround of customer enquiries concerning debit and credit card transactions, some of which can date back over 15+ years.

Key Challenges

The system disk space used for authorisation is hugely expensive to the bank. There is no ability to retrieve POS and ATM transactions in an efficient manner. And regulations required the bank to enable the turnaround of card queries in minutes rather than days, so as to avoid financial penalties and brand damage.

Solution Requirements

The bank needed to employ proactive system and application (BASE24 ATM and POS) monitoring. Insider Technologies pitched RTLX, focusing on the RTLX extraction agents read and relay (across TCP/IP) all transaction data records from the ATM and POS entry-sequenced log files. This data relay is optimised and card transaction data then populates a Microsoft SQL RTLX normalised database on the Windows Server. The database is populated using efficient, multithreaded RTLX processes with best approach disk I/O methods.

Short Listed

Insider Tech was carefully selected to provide a proof of concept that addressed the bank’s key challenges, along with “soft” desirables including:

Business Benefits

Having delivered RTLX, the bank now has a fast and secure browser interface for card transaction querying of ATM and POS records, reporting and archiving in line with increasing PCI DSS, compliance and audit directives. RTLX enables the bank to parse years of card data in minutes, for subsequent querying by various bank departments. And RTLX provides the bank with secure, browser-based access to terabytes of normalised ATM and POS transaction and token data which has been monthly / annually partitioned across a number of hard drives.

If you are in the payment processing business, and need to remove complexity, improve efficiencies and reduce cost, then please get in touch!

+44 (0) 161 876 6606