2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Preparing your Payments Infrastructure for the Next Decade
A Guide for Financial Service Institutions
Lusis Payments
AdrianThe payments industry in Europe is facing an unprecedented set of challenges, and the speed of change makes this more pressing than ever before.
The challenge facing the industry isn’t whether we understand the technical barriers, but instead whether financial institutions are able to execute the right technology strategy to meet market needs.
Customers need new and different types of products more than ever. The risk is that CTOs, boards and other senior leadership teams fall into a false sense of security that could prove fatal.
What you’ll learn in this whitepaper:
- What’s changing in the European payments landscape
- Why payments are still crucial to the financial services business model
- How failure to adapt became the biggest infrastructure risk facing payments businesses
- How you can design a payments infrastructure that allows you to reduce risks and quickly bring new products and services to market
To read the entire white paper visit: https://www.lusispayments.com/marketinsights