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Striim predictions published by Forbes

Striim sees its CTO's 18 predictions for 2018 published in a post by Forbes magazine




For as long as there have been posts to social media sites, there have been lists. Late night television host, David Letterman, made famous the idea of the Top 10 list as each night he rattled off items that had made his list, which typically featured something that had made the headlines earlier in the day. Intended to be funny where oftentimes the #1 item on his list wasn’t always the funniest, it was a way for Letterman to put his own spin on current affairs. This practice set a precedent in the broadcast industry that eventually found its way into tech with many keynote speakers at symposiums and summits often opening their pitches with a top 10 list of their own.

Not to be outdone in this respect, a short time ago Forbes magazine published a list of 18 predictions for 2018 – covering six areas that included Regulations, IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, Security and AI. Forbes turned to Striim Founder and CTO, Steve Wilkes, who is now a member of the Forbes Technology Council. Wilkes is well-known to many in the NonStop community as he has been actively engaged with many of its members from his earliest days with GoldenGate Software. It has been a long time since we have any member of the NonStop community active in a council with this level of esteem and while we will not be covering all 18 Wilkes’ predictions for 2018, there are a couple of special interest to the NonStop community that are being covered here:

Big Data

  1. Memory and CPU prices will continue to fall, enabling organizations to adopt elements of a more modern data architecture that utilizes edge processing and analytics. Gaining data-driven insights in real time will impact critical verticals, including security, IoT and health care.
  2. Companies will begin to realize that edge processing is not limited to IoT and doesn’t need to only be small edge gateways but can also include large rack systems.


  1. The popularity of blockchain will continue to grow and organizations will be forced to consider modernizing their data architecture in order to integrate with online ledgers, often being required to do so by larger business partners.
  2. Blockchain will cause disruption in the health care industry, providing patients with a platform for them to own their own data instead of accessing it via provider platforms.
  3. Due to blockchain’s transparent nature, the evolution of streaming analytics will enable enterprises to recognize potential digital threats and act more quickly to secure their data.


  1. Conversational AI algorithms, or chatbots, will blur the lines between real and artificial digital users even more, with at least one chatbot finally passing the Turing Test.
  2. Although still early days, the number of organizations with AI deployed to production will double from around 10% to 20%, with the majority moving from pure data modeling to operationalizing machine learning.
  3. AI capabilities will increase dramatically due to the adoption of hardware acceleration, such as deep learning units (DLUs or neural nets on a chip) and quantum- or quantum-inspired computing.

Big Data, Blockchain and AI are increasingly entering the conversations among members of the NonStop community even as the HPE NonStop team works to bring related technologies and products to market. The focus of each of the six areas is very much centered on data. Even after all this time, we often forget that in the very earliest days of IT, the initial focus was “data processing” so to us, as a community it shouldn’t come as a surprise that data continues to take center stage. According to Wilkes, as he concluded his list of predictions, “Data is the most critical element for organizations within the enterprise. While all organizations may generate data, we’re reaching a point where companies need to be strategic in their data management. Proper utilization of data spans every industry, and those who will be able to modernize and implement innovative real-time data-centric solutions will come out on top in 2018.”

To view the complete list make sure you turn to the full post by Wilkes that is now available on the Forbes web site and can be viewed by following this link:

If you would like to know more about Striim and its role in providing solutions for those members of the NonStop community looking to integrate analytics with transaction processing in real time, you can reach out to the Striim team at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!

Katherine Rincon | Senior Vice President, Marketing
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