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TANDsoft’s FS Compare and Repair Adds Apples-to-Bananas File Comparison to Version 3

…and it’s still blazing fast!



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You asked for it. Version 3 of TANDsoft’s FS Compare and Repair addresses data discrepancies not only between “apples-to-apples” source and target databases but also between “apples-to-bananas” source and target databases. It allows HPE NonStop customers to compare any of their database files regardless of physical file structure. Data compare mode just grew more efficient.

FS Compare and Repair identifies, reports, and resolves rows, records, columns and field discrepancies in HPE NonStop Enscribe files, OSS files, and SQL tables for both live and offline databases. it is the most rapid compare/repair product for use in the HPE NonStop environment.  A 1 terabyte multi-partitioned file, for instance, takes just 10 minutes to compare.

Block Hash Compare technology is what makes this solution blazing fast.  Whereas other NonStop comparison products compare source and target files at the record-to-record level, FS Compare and Repair compares source and target files via blocks. Block technology analyzes source and target hash block signatures to determine if the corresponding blocks are equal. If a file has five million records and only one million blocks, less time required to compare leads to faster speeds.

In addition, a file that has been corrupted may take hours to rebuild and additional hours to synchronize.  Even if only a part of the file has been corrupted, a whole file rebuild is required. The corrupted elements cannot be repaired at the record level. FS Compare and Repair’s use of block technology identifies the target database blocks that are broken and resynchronizes them with the source database. Instead of whole file rebuild, you have block resynchronization. Hours to fix are reduced to seconds. Fast.

With FS Compare and Repair’s Version 3, source and target databases no longer have to possess identical physical structures. No more apples-to-apples. The number of partitions can be different. The number of indices or alternate key files can be different. The number of columns and fields can be different. Row and record sizes can be different.

Also new to Version 3 are several compare job control options.

Additional FS Compare and Repair Features in All Versions

Learn more about FS Compare and Repair during the virtual GTUG NonStop Spring Conference on 27-28 April.  Speaker Dieter Orlowski will present “Compare, Synchronize, Backup – 10 Times Faster than Today.” To review the agenda and to register for the event, visit

For information about any or all TANDsoft products, contact Jack Di Giacomo (+1 514-695-2234 / or Dieter Orlowski (+1 303-263-4381 /

TANDsoft is a global provider of innovative HPE NonStop software solutions for use in time virtualization, application modernization, security, and business continuity. Our intercept technology is used by many NonStop customers to enhance application functionality with no program modifications. Our products are easy to install, easy to use, and are certified on all HPE NonStop servers. Free trials are available. Check us out at We also offer other popular solutions such as FileSync, FS Backup and Restore, and OPTA2000.