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uLinga for Kafka – A Different Approach to NonStop-Kafka Integration




infra aug 21

uLinga for Kafka is the latest addition to the uLinga product range, a solution suite that has been used by large banks, telcos and manufacturers to provide reliable communications infrastructure for many years.  uLinga for Kafka brings the same performance, scalability and security and manageability to the Kafka space as users have successfully utilized within the other uLinga products.

uLinga for Kafka takes a different approach to Kafka integration, by supporting the native Kafka protocols directly over TCP/IP.  This removes the need for additional libraries and components, and allows the uLinga solution to be written in C rather than Java, which provides the best possible performance on NonStop.  It also allows uLinga for Kafka to directly communicate with the Kafka cluster, getting streamed data across as quickly and reliably as possible.

For more information on uLinga for Kafka, keep an eye out for our upcoming Connection article, or our presentation at TBC.  You can also contact us at


Peter Shell | Managing Director | Infrasoft Pty Limited | tel +61 411 105 330