2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Whether up, down or across – DataExpress can manage the secure movement of all your files!
DanThere are many ways that can be leveraged when communicating a vendor’s position in a marketplace, just as there are many ways to convey information about a vendor’s products. In the past, it was quite simple – develop a data sheet, follow up with more detail in a feature description pamphlet, advertise in an industry trade publication and participate in community events. While much of this is still a factor in any vendor’s go to market plans, there are many variations to this simple approach. Many more media channels exist now and it seems as though every technology user has different preferences.
When it comes to the NonStop community, it has become more a case of embellishment rather than a total rethink. Traditional vehicles for communication remain in vogue, as are email distribution lists, The Connection magazine along with Tandemworld and even this publication, NonStop Insider, and there continues to be a strong following of NonStop focused Regional User Group (RUG) events. However, increasingly of late we have seen technology users become just as dependent on what is being posted to Twitter and LinkedIn and for many of them, this is their litmus test when it comes to peer support of a product or platform.
In some respects, what we have observed of late here at DataExpress is the transition that’s underway when it comes to customer case studies. Rather than a lengthy exposé extolling the virtues of one feature or another, more often than not it’s just a soundbite that appears in a post of a comment that indicates the presence of a product at a site, perhaps not common knowledge to the community at large. This is particularly the case with the Nonstop user community where information about the usage and indeed even the presence of NonStop continues to be a well-kept secret. Many argue that much of this has to do with fallout following the introduction of Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, as talking about a product to a select group may require revealing everything to everyone at exactly the same time. Others in the industry just see such reluctance to talk about products implemented on their platforms as a simply a way to deny everything!
DataExpress enjoys a very strong patronage among some of the biggest financial institutions on the planet. However, even as an active member of the NonStop community there are instances where we do not know specifics about how our products are deployed other than in the vaguest of ways – whenever there is a hardware upgrade and NonStop is involved then the phone will ring. Having said this, what we can cover in collateral in support of DataExpress is that when it comes to managing the secure movement of files, there are many directions in which the movement occurs.
Expressed as simply as we can, there are enterprises that rely on DataExpress to move files up to agencies and institutions that hold positions of oversight and mandate regular reporting of all transactions. Just as importantly, there are whole ecosystems horizontally positioned that involve sharing of files among peer systems, many of which may be located nearby in the data center. And lastly there are requirements to move files downstream, in most respects, to clients and business partners when summaries and consolidations are required.
“From the interactions we have with our DataExpress customers, it’s clear that one key factor in the success of DataExpress has been the ease with which we have enabled even the biggest financial institution to send reporting files that are mandated of Financial Institutions,” said DataExpress CEO Billy Whittington during conversations with other members of the NonStop community. “These are the reports that highlight the flow of money over the course of a day and are used by various government agencies to track emerging trends as they develop.” After all, it wouldn’t do if the Federal Government missed an opportunity to introduce even more legislation!
“Then again, when we talk to other DataExpress customers it’s clear to us that in a modern data center with as many servers (from many different vendors) as are present, files continue to be exchanged and when it comes to DataExpress running on NonStop the need to access data created by transaction processing is even more important. Consider this a lateral move of data where files are the mechanisms for ensuring information sharing among peer processes,” said Whittington. And with as much attention as HPE is giving to Hybrid IT, these servers could be part of a server farm or even a private cloud!
“From a business perspective, some of the biggest card processors in the land leverage DataExpress to move files from, to and between their clients. These files can be anything from summaries of activities over the span of the day/week/month/year to exceptions, error reporting and audits – all important elements for customers being served by processors today,” noted Whittington. “And indeed, this represents a unique business opportunity for them as they can consolidate reporting generated by their customers into one file that is then sent to agencies mandating these reports be provided.” It hasn’t been lost on us here at DataExpress that what we view as a product is in many cases viewed as part of the infrastructure supporting other revenue opportunities.
Customer case studies may be things of the past just as the presence of data sheets and feature description pamphlets at conferences and events are becoming less influential. “Here, would you like our thumb-drive buried within a cocktail shaker on which you will find all the material you could ever want on our products?” More often than not these days, this is exactly what we hear as we pass the booths of those exhibiting at these events. As for DataExpress we can discuss your requirements with you at any time and while doing so, we can update you as to what we understand are the reasons our customers are using DataExpress “but only in the broadest of terms, mind you!” And if this is a topic about which you would like to hear more from us at DataExpress, we would really like to talk to you about meeting the need for files among your many users.