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NonStop Insider

Issue 3.2 Editorial (November ’18)


When you read this month’s NonStop Insider you will see how many users’ meetings there were held recently and how everyone in the NonStop community looks forward to the opportunity to network, learn new things and share their enthusiasm about the NonStop architecture. Now that the TBC is around the corner, IR has summarized this time of year’s atmosphere when they said: “It’s November, and it’s the eve of the HPE NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC). Tickets and hotels are booked, presentations are being finalized, and the excitement is building.”

There have also been several industry gatherings that vendors from the NonStop community attended, participated and even sponsored. Richard Buckle of Pyalla Technologies, LLC, attended SIBOS Sydney 2018 financial event as part of the press covering the event. OmniPayments’ Yash represented his company at Money 20/20 and sponsored this event. Striim of course participated in all of the Big Data related events and you can read about it on Striim’s web site

For this month edition of the NonStop Insider we are trying something new – many of the members of the NonStop community have interesting personal stories to share about their life, careers with the ever present, intertwined into the background, theme of the NonStop technology.

Ron LaPedis submitted a story for this issue that is of the different angle: “This story is a testbed chapter from my as yet unpublished novel and I hope to submit more of them in the future.”

If you would like to see a question included in the next issue of the NonStop Insider or you have any comments you would like to see published, don’t hesitate to send an email to me, at:


Thank you,

Margo Holen
Managing Editor