Published by: NonStop Insider
Once again, we find HPE CEO Meg Whitman in the center of attention as HPE delivered its Q3 2017 earnings result and Whitman then participated in a number of calls with industry and financial analysts. The release of the financial results for the quarter followed the completion of the spin-merge of HPE’s non-core software components to ... read more
Published by: NonStop Insider
What is the business of DataExpress and how do you work with the HPE NonStop team today? HPE is a partner but you have many others (in this case, of course, comForte) – how would you rate HPE today? DataExpress is a secure, managed file transfer solution that moves data, getting it to where it needs to be, when it needs to be there, and ... read more
Published by: Connect
Hard to imagine, but one more year is about to pass us by and with its passing we are coming up onto the NonStop Technical Bootcamp 2017 (TBC 2017). As much as we may yearn for the days of ITUG Summits of former times, no matter what this event calls itself, for the majority of the NonStop community it is all about NonStop and that is ... read more
Published by: comForte
The news headlines in the US for this first week of September 2017 were: Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, NFL season starts, and Equifax data breach of 143 million Americans. (I purposely left out any politico headlines) Reading and listening to the details from various sources about the Equifax data breach, it sure sounds like another ... read more
Published by: Paragon
This is the first article we are submitting to NonStop Insider. For those who may not be familiar with Paragon, we are in the testing space where our focus is on payments solutions and ATM networks. The Paragon Edge website ( ) provides additional detail on our people and our products. For instance, we have served more ... read more
Published by: CTUG
Time is flying by and we will shortly be holding our major event for the year this year it will be October 11 – 12 at the offices of HPE, Mississauga. The conference will be on the 11th with a day of education for the NonStop community following on the 12th. With each year this event seems to be more engaging than the previous years and ... read more
Published by: OmniPayments
The world supports many different economic models some that have developed over the centuries even as others begin to play catchup. Not everything that has taken time to develop is of immediate value to those economies dealing with the dramatic changes taking place all around them nor is the infrastructure being implemented in some parts ... read more
Published by: Pyalla Technologies Inc.
What do you think of the content being provided in NonStop Insider? What have you liked best – have you liked the opinion articles, the product updates or the news coming from RUG leaders? And what about the most recent addition, NonStop CEOs have their say? We have only just begun and there will be a couple of additions coming shortly ... read more
Published by: DataExpress
There has been much discussion of late over what secure managed file transfer is all about. Taken by itself, file transfer is a task performed by many products on the market today including many that are free! With that in mind, why the added layer? Why an additional product? To distinguish the difference between file transfer and secure ... read more
Published by: Insider Technologies
Over 90% of the world’s data has been created in the past 2 years. The velocity of change in the business world has never been greater. And it’s increasing all the time. Technological advances and an insatiable demand for instant gratification is shaping our world. In an environment where change is constant, monitoring is ... read more
Published by: striim
How many of us have been checking the Striim blog of late? Noticed just how many posts there have been referencing Kafka? When it comes to the NonStop community how many of us even know what Kafka is, let alone track all the attention it has been attracting of late. If you haven’t been tracking Kafka then perhaps it is time to take a ... read more
Published by: TCM
With more and more consumers like you and I turning to the internet to make their purchases online, it’s no wonder the world around us is changing fast. We’ve all seen the consumer e-Commerce statistics in the press. Whether it’s Amazon, Ebay, or other platforms, we as consumers are driving this double-digit growth in e-Commerce. In ... read more
Published by: ETI-NET
ETI-NET has always been a strong supporter of regional user group (RUG) events whenever they take place and wherever they may be held around the planet. It is only one part of our marketing outreach, but each year the list of popular events seems to get longer. Are we all seeing a resurgence of interest in NonStop? Is HPE pulling out ... read more
Published by: OZTUG
It was just a short time ago that OzTUG held a major event in Sydney, Australia. As noted in prior promotions for the event, OzTUG was timed to be part of the HPE Gen 10 server launch and there is always excitement surrounding anything new coming from HPE. And on this occasion, HPE didn’t disappoint and helped out OzTUG by providing a ... read more
Published by: Gravic
The presence of IBM mainframes alongside HPE NonStop systems should not be a surprise for anyone in the NonStop community. From the earliest use-cases developed when NonStop systems, formerly Tandem Computers, were introduced into the marketplace, their acceptance as intelligent front-ends to networks running 24×7 operations almost ... read more
Published by: FSS
Digital commerce is progressing rapidly and is estimated to reach $4T (eMarketer) in 2020, fueled by a growth in payments and widespread adoption of smart phones. To fully capitalize on this opportunity, acquirers need an underlying payment processing engine that can support it and grow in-line with rapidly evolving market and business ... read more
Published by: NonStop Insider
Blog sites whether supported by a vendor, a user community or even an industry association continue to provide a lot of useful information. If you are a Financial Institution there are numerous sites that can keep you current with the latest trends and the hot topics of the day. This past month there have been numerous references to ... read more