The best description of the feeling shared among all of us humans this last month is profound sadness. Its expression by Cooper Ruthven, the young son of the IR CEO, John Ruthven, will stay with me as a Covid-19 symbol. Cooper posted his painting on LinkedIn.
From IR CEO John Ruthven on LinkedIn, in response to requests to repost:
“The current crisis through my 19 year old son’s eyes – using a paint brush, as his voice.
Cooper Ruthven is very happy for you or anyone else to re-post or use his painting to raise awareness of hashtag#stayhome
Not all businesses are impacted to the same degree – from TSI: “TSI wishes all the best to the extended NonStop family during the current pandemic. TSI has been classified as an “Essential Business” by the State of Texas; we remain open and fully staffed for any support or product needs our many customers may have.”
CSP says: “Let me begin by saying that I hope you and your families are safe and doing well. We are living in an unprecedented moment in modern history. Fortunately, the “NonStop mindset” allows us to take on these challenges head-on. In these uncertain times, organizations and individuals will rely on essential businesses such as health services and financial institutions, many of which are current users of our solutions. Now more than ever, CSP is proud to support those essential businesses that rely on our trusted security solutions to protect the integrity of their applications.”
DataExpress as well is available: “The beauty of being a small company is that in some ways, we benefitted from having few defined roles. It was a matter of daily interactions with our NonStop users that everyone could do everything with the result that at any time, there was always someone who could step in to help a user. ‘This hasn’t changed at all as we continue to operate in this world of social distancing even as being this flexible has enhanced the customer experience as all of us continue to be reached at all times.’”
From ETI: “First of all, we wish that all of our customers, employees and their families are safe and continue to be healthy. ETI-NET is taking every precaution to keep all of our employees safe and will continue to support our customers as usual.”
From Gravic: “We are concerned for all of our friends in the HPE and Connect communities and pray that they remain safe through this unprecedented and dangerous situation! For the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Gravic and its Shadowbase Products Group are open and operating with remote support and access. “
In the sad and difficult times a pearl of humor will keep us sane – read Ron LaPedis’ article on Tandem culture – he said: “Tandem was built on dreams of making the world a better place through innovation and fueled by hard work, alcohol, and dare I say it, skinny dipping in the building 3 pool (followed by wet footprints on hallway carpets to who knew where). We worked hard and played hard.”
I hope you will enjoy this April 2020 issue and if you would like to see a question included in the next issue of the NonStop Insider or you have any comments you would like to see published, don’t hesitate to send an email to me, at:
Thank you,
Margo Holen
Managing Editor