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Issue 2.9 (June) Editorial


As we are getting ready to finish the June 2018 edition of the NonStop Insider I am leaving to drive to Dallas for the N2TUG event. Having just been to GTUG in Germany I have to say, of all the events this year…..N2TUG is on the very top of my list! Yes, because Jimmy Treybig will be there and I truly think of him as not only the father of the Tandem Computers but a great manager, motivating the troops around him. His enthusiasm was infectious and I loved being involved in projects he was passionate about.

I wrote about one of these projects in a blog post to Real Time View blog, back in April 2013, My Strange Holidays:

“…you may recall Chameleon as the code name given to the project undertaken jointly by Tandem and Ungermann Bass back in 1993? I still have those cables we cut to demonstrate that when connection to one of the comms controllers was broken, the other connection would take over and your connection to the server stayed up!”

editorial june 18

Writing about events, even as I mentioned both GTUG and N2TUG, it would be remiss of me not to mention the upcoming big-tent event HPE holds every year at this time. HPE Discover 2018 is once again happening in Las Vegas and it’s one I thoroughly enjoy going to as it is an opportunity to sit down with HPE executives and senior managers over a coffee or something stronger.

One final note? There is a lot happening in social media of late. Did you see the reference to Microsoft buying GitHub? With this announcement the blogosphere lit up immediately and there is going to be a lot of discussions to follow as the community – including the NonStop community – comes to grips with exactly what it all means, but as one NonStop pundit admitted, there’s no apparent downside to the purchase!

Please enjoy your June issue of the NonStop Insider, there are several interesting submissions and some surprises.

If you would like to see a question included in the next issue of the NonStop Insider or you have any comments you would like to see published, don’t hesitate to send an email to me, at:


Thank you,

Margo Holen
Managing Editor