As we witness events unfolding around the world the timing was just right for the article on organizational culture. Karen Copeland, Manager, Worldwide Product Management for HPE NonStop, and Richard Buckle, Cofounder and CEO, Pyalla Technologies, LLC co-authored an article talking about HPE culture and how it resonates so well today with the NonStop team, whose roots are set deep in Tandem culture. Culture for me means – colorful, inclusive of differences yet having the ability to keep us all engaged.
Karen and Richard said: “…the HPE culture is perhaps the most crucial component anchoring our response to challenges that arise, be that business focused locally or bigger events on the global stage. Continuing to innovate only comes about when our customers and partners trust us and see our willingness to entertain their ideas and to act boldly.”
Just as this issue of the NonStop Insider was being created Antonio Neri, HPE CEO, posted on LinkedIn:
“We gathered all of our Hewlett Packard Enterprise team members yesterday to talk about the steps we will take as a company to take a stand and advocate for inclusion and equity. As a global company, we have a responsibility to help shape a better, more equitable world.”
As Karen’s and Richard’s article concludes: “With culture, a shared sense of purpose, a community where everyone wants to belong has implications beyond just the needs of today. Culture is fuel and culture is important and for HPE it simply is who we are. “Yes we can,” isn’t a logo or a meme at HPE; it’s just what we do best! “
As you read articles in this issue of the NonStop Insider you will see the resiliency of our NonStop community – the NonStop vendors keep making enhancements to their products’ portfolios despite COVID-19 impact even as the NonStop community is ready to embrace virtual meetings in lieu of face-to-face gatherings. Automation of testing becomes important as Ascert and Paragon will tell you and security is even more important according to CSP and comforte.
I hope you will enjoy this June 2020 issue and if you would like to see a question included in the next issue of the NonStop Insider or you have any comments you would like to see published, don’t hesitate to send an email to me, at:
Thank you,
Margo Holen
Managing Editor