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TCM and the growth of NonStop

HPE's success is fuelling interest in TCM's NonStop service offerings




Are we seeing a steady growing upturn in interest in HPE NonStop? Well, as sponsors of various regional NonStop user events, including the likes of BITUG, EBITUG, GTUG, VNUG and the NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC), we are seeing first-hand just how much interest there is today in all things NonStop related.

So, the answer is, definitely YES – we are seeing a growing interest in NonStop.

It is also similar for events in North America – CTUG, DUST, N2TUG, etc., where participation numbers have improved upon previous year’s events with the numbers of users once again demonstrating that we are seeing a change of attitude taking place among even the biggest users of NonStop. Where once their consideration wondered away from NonStop we are now hearing less and less of this which exemplifies just how well the HPE NonStop organization has been listening to the current and future needs and requirements of their users.

In addition to the developing HPE Nonstop product line we have seen the positive consolidation of vendor products as HPE continue to successfully add aligned products to their price book in a concerted effort to focus on where they can add value and plugging any gaps that may appear in their roadmaps with proven products already available from the NonStop vendor community.

Adding vendor products to the price book is an effective way for HPE NonStop to be able to satisfy users’ needs for complete solutions and this trend is likely to strengthen in the coming years as products are sought to streamline NonStop solutions.

The same can be said about the providers of managed services like TCM. We are seeing sizable enterprises struggling with finding and, more importantly, retaining skilled NonStop resources. After a number of years where the message of NonStop had been somewhat diluted and key individuals with NonStop skills left to pursue opportunities on other systems, there is a growing void to fill and just as NonStop development has turned to its vendor community to plug numerous product holes, so too is HPE and user enterprises turning to proven Managed Services vendors, such as TCM to cost effectively eliminate any associated risk or uncertainty.

And this is a need TCM see as only growing bigger – and one, of course, TCM are more than capable and ready to step in and fill no matter where on the planet such situations are identified, no matter what the requirement. To quote Daniel Craig, TCM’s Operations Director, “Yes, it’s been a while since we were as excited by the prospects coming in with the resurgence of HPE NonStop and we are ready when such a situation develops in your organization.  We are already supporting some of the biggest Global enterprises running NonStop systems today with both our on-site and cloud based solutions delivered from our UK-based Centre of Excellence.”



For 22 years, TCM Solutions has successfully been providing the full range of NonStop services, ensuring NonStop systems are securely managed and cost effectively maintained 24 hours a day 7 days a week through dedicated on-site and cloud based service solutions.

TCM was established in 1996 as a dedicated specialist for HPE NonStop (Tandem) services. Today, TCM is the established leading global provider of specialist, critical NonStop IT services in Finance, Manufacturing and Healthcare with a proven track record of successfully delivering NonStop solutions, 24 x 7 Systems Management and project resource without failure.

TCM is also a key strategic partner to large-scale system integrators such as HPE, IBM, Wipro, DXC, FSS along with a number of leading  NonStop vendors. Accredited ISO 9001 (Quality); ISO 20000 (Service Delivery); ISO 27001 (Information Security) standards, ITIL Compliant and repeat winner of Deloitte Innovation Award.

TCM’s success has been attributed to their ability to deliver flexible cost effective services with total customer focus: putting the ultimate needs and aims of the customer at the forefront of all decision making and seamlessly becoming part of the customer’s environment and culture. Experienced throughout the delivery cycle from initial review and service modelling, to on-going delivery and accountability for support. Possessing the NonStop skills, capability and experience to ensure customers not only receive exemplary service and value, but also the assurance of an embedded partner they can trust and rely on.


Why do so many people use TCM?


For more information, contact TCM today.


TCM House, NonStop Centre of Excellence,
Saltire Centre, Pentland Park, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2AG
+44(0)1592 770081