2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
AsiaPac brings together IT executives for a Vietnam summit!
By Craig Lawrance
AdrianHPE AsiaPac organized a regional executive summit in the old capital of Hue in central Vietnam where some 100 or so attendees enjoyed the event and its hospitality.
It was some event, right on the coast of the many miles of beach that adorns the east coast of Vietnam, a coast that stretches some 1100 miles or more.
They really know how to put on a show in AsiaPac. Many top executive leaders from HPE Singapore had flown in and they gathered around the top table of the event, and kindly invited me to join them there. Headphones for everyone, with immediate translation from English to Vietnamese and vice versa as we went through then day. The event kicked off with a very interesting presentation from the country managing Director for Vietnam & Thailand.
What impressed me was the range of companies that HPE has managed to absorb in its recent history.
Greenlake also appeared high on their list of cloud initiatives as it does in the rest of the world. They also tout their renewable credentials, illustrate what they are doing to achieve a carbon neutral world, renewables and the like. This in a country or region where they get so much sunshine that they themselves could erect a few solar panels and probably solve the world’s energy needs in short order, but I will move on. And yet, as one of those countries that is struggling to enrich itself, I saw with my own eyes that Vietnam is well on its way to becoming South East Asia’s next success story.
GreenLake is growing fast with more and more business being done under the green lake banner, whether or not customers license onsite or actually in some cloud somewhere. For us at OmniPayments it’s increasingly important to be a part of that cloud message as it is for us to have some business solution that someone mighty actually need. Payments as a service was a key message I delivered and the audience absorbed it, with some interest, as I discovered when we enjoyed the evening gala dinner, and much delicious wine was imbibed, and the loquacious-ness set it.
Events focused on solutions and, in our case, solutions based on NonStop systems represent the best way for the message about NonStop to be conveyed. For the past decade or so I am seeing that the success of NonStop will continue to be solutions driven and the hope is that the more focus solutions receive by HPE executives the potential for the future prosperity of NonStop is assured.
OmniPayments was the sole NonStop partner at the event, and in fact given that Vietnam is virgin territory for NonStop today, our presentation represented an investment in a market yet to flourish.