2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
NTI is pushing the shadow from the global pandemic aside as it sees NonStop users turning to DRNet®
DanWhen news first broke that a global pandemic was likely, there was early reticence of most communities to face a world that was going to change dramatically right before our eyes. This too will pass, surely? It’s probably not going to impact the way I work or the pastimes I pursue – is it? There will be games to be played and events to attend with plenty of opportunities to do much as we have always done. And then, it all wasn’t the same and normalcy seemed a long way off – socially accepted practices we no longer looked upon with kindness.
For the NonStop community the changes hit hard and fast. Working out of home offices and logging onto virtual events took over the way we all worked. And from a practice that was only occasionally pursued, we readily embrace eCommerce and the boxes started piling up on our doorstep. Visits with family were scaled back even as we all “masked-up” to go anywhere. Those lazy, hazy days of summer (for us residing in the northern Hemisphere) have become little more than memories. And yet, with NonStop running many of the important mission-critical applications on which we all rely, transaction volumes went up even as integration of NonStop into the larger IT landscape present within our enterprises became more complex.
Against this backdrop the NonStop community is preparing for the biggest virtual event of the year. The freshly minted NonStop All Digital Experience (ADE), as it’s being branded, which replaces the former NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC), represents the pinnacle of user events for the NonStop community. To be held across four days, November 16 – 19, 2020, with the fourth day being set aside as a day of education hosted by the NonStop Academy, there will be new product announcements, product roadmap updates and further insights into how best to partner with the NonStop team. Perhaps most important of all the NonStop community will be able to see how NonStop is carving out a position of strength within the High Performance Compute / Mission Critical Systems organization.
For NTI there has been a strong interest in the application of data replication to the business of data integration. Data freshly created on NonStop is at its greatest relevance when it can be actioned upon immediately. The DRNet® product family has been greatly enhanced over the past eighteen months as the underlying Change Data Capture (CDC) model has proved beneficial to capturing fresh data and delivering it to platforms apart from NonStop. The core business of data replication remains central to NTI’s business and yet, the application of the principals embodied in DRNet® have meant that so much more could be done with the data than just ensuring it is on hand to support business continuity should circumstances dictate a rapid recovery of data and processing.
The strong interest in DRNet® is exemplified by the uptick in Proof of Concepts with which the company has been involved over the summer months. As much as we would all have liked to spend those lazy days sitting idly on a jetty somewhere, it has been anything but lazy days for NTI’s support team. The PoCs are going well and even as there is more work to be done, we are looking forward to leveraging the opportunity that comes with the upcoming ADE to give further insight into the features and properties of DRNet® that are proving of value to the NonStop community.
“Earlier this year, COVID-19 cast a shadow across the global IT landscape motivating everyone to adjust to a new normal,” said Tim Dunne, NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales. “NTI has benefited from these adjustments particularly POC-related initiatives involving core DRNet® as replacement for more expensive, poorly supported technologies and the enormous interest in the testing our Vision product feeding Kafka and Splunk>.”
Since we unveiled our vision for data on NonStop and gave it the message of PROVisioning: Excellence in Data NonStop customers have begun to better understand just how easy it is to turn to DRNet® for all their data movement needs. Following the unveiling of PROVisioning: Excellence in Data, NonStop customers have come to better understand that this has been the start of something new and exciting for NTI! NonStop customers have now come to appreciate that they can turn to DRNet® for all their data needs whether the requirement is to leverage data for business integration, distribution and transformation or data replication.
Should our NTI vision and the solutions now on offer be of interest to you as the shadow cast by COVID-19 lingers and you would like to know more of how we move data your way, to where you need it, then simply call the number below or email us at any time at Sales@network-tech.com
Network Technologies International, Inc.
635 Park Meadow Road, Suite 209
Westerville, Ohio 43081-2877
Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000
N.T.I. Limited
Ard Mhuire
Camp Street
Co. Galway
H91 K5PE
Phone: +353 (91) 463086