2021. What an interesting year. With the world turned upside down by a pandemic that seemingly had its sights set on...
Pyalla Technologies, LLC …Providing articles, commentaries and posts focused on HPE, Mission Critical Systems and NonStop
Pyalla Technologies
DanDon’t be surprised if you think you have seen these clippings posted somewhere else. Yes, they were included in a post last month to the NonStop community blog, Real Time View. In that post I wrote, “…if you are part of a changing industry like IT, you will come to understand that rather than being linear it is cyclical. For almost every promotion we read, there has been at least one previous occurrence of nearly the same one. Did you know that back in 1978 Canada became upset over data being shipped to the US for processing thereby undercutting the competitiveness of Canadian Companies? Would you have guessed that the newspaper of the day would carry stories that sound as though they were written today?”
And what too of the headings noting that privacy and security were becoming issues even as another noted that going to a DBMS was hard work! Point is, whether we talk about the influence that cloud computing is having or the uptick of interest in deploying a more intelligent edge, where along the way, we touch on modernization the reality is that we have all been down similar paths sometime way back when we first began our careers in IT.
However it is the reference to our IT industry not being linear but cyclical that continues to intrigue not just me but many of my peers in IT. With this in mind, let’s segue to industry associations and user groups. It was with the urging from a number of emerging regional user groups that Tandem Computers launched ITUG – the International Tandem User Group. With the global pandemic still with us as many nations deal with an ever more transmittable variant, the question on the minds of many I have talked to in recent times just happens to be, “are we going to return to a more regionalized community of NonStop users?”
News is already being shared across the NonStop community of how this year’s planned in-person NonStop Technical Boot Camp is once again going to be held as a virtual event. As much as I can sympathize with HPE and Connect even as I realize that in many ways this was inevitable, I am left to wonder whether there will ever be a return to global events of former times. The trigger here is how we have all become used to tools like ZOOM, TEAMS and more and happily log onto a virtual event at the drop of a pin. Lurking in the back of my mind though is how NonStop isn’t as much about technology and products as it is about the community at large. We are part of NonStop because we part of something bigger than any of that.
NonStop TBC 2021: Late breaking news?
We can all now register for free as Connect just tweeted:
As I look to what might occur in 2022 I have to think that we may see the emergence of several Geo focused regional user groups – the UK, Germany and perhaps a gathering pulling from the NonStop communities in Japan, Korea and Singapore with sunny Florida and SunTUG together with Texas and N2TUG also a distinct possibility. As travel bubbles continue it seems to suggest that localized regional events will still be able to take place on an in-person basis. And will that necessarily be a bad thing?
For some time now these remote regional events have depended upon NonStop team members “dialing in” for a presentation (or two) and I suspect that will continue even when the “locals” meet in-person. Nothing too radical about that, however, the NonStop vendor community will want to make the trip as this has become their primary method for gathering product requirements and to see first-hand the direction being taken by their competitors. I see no other vehicle that provides the NonStop community with better information exchanges that what is delivered by these smaller gatherings.
Will the big-tent events as symbolized by recent NonStop TBCs continue to attract audiences? Possibly, but when you look at the cyclical nature of IT and of the NonStop community, then questions will be raised as to whether value is provided. Of course, HPE would like to see a single event as a practical means to reduce costs but then again, how do you ultimately discount the value of simply getting together as a community? I am no longer sure that when 2022 rolls around what we used to look forward to as a NonStop TBC will hold as much sway over the NonStop community as it once did. What do you think?
As for that post to Real Time View you can read it in full along with other articles and commentaries posted this past month following the links below.
And now for the posts and articles published during July 2021
Real Time View blog:
- August 26, 2021
Have you read NonStop posts to the HPE Community blog of late?
- August 15, 2021
Disappearing horizons?
- August 29, 2021
Seventh post to NASA Speed News: Watching others is educational.
And on a personal note (in case you missed reading the post below to the very end), Margo and I were involved in a horrific road accident on Interstate 25 not far from home. We are fine. Our Range Rover SUV did its job; crumple zones, airbags and seatbelts all contributing to our safety. Unfortunately our beloved “L’il Pumpkin” was a total loss.
- August 19, 2021
Crash! Boom! Bang! Yes, it happens to us all.
Richard Buckle
Cofounder and CEO
Pyalla Technologies, LLC